How many benefits can garlic bring that we don't know about!
The benefits and harms of garlic cause many different opinions. To understand in which situations the properties of the product will be most useful, you need to carefully study the features.
Chemical composition and caloric content of garlic
In folk medicine and in cooking, the benefits of garlic for the human body are widely known. It is determined by the rich composition of the product, it contains many valuable elements. Namely:
vitamins B1 and PP;
carotene and riboflavin;
vitamin C;
phytoncides and pectins;
essential oil;
enzymes and amino acids;
organic acids;
potassium, phosphorus and copper;
manganese, iodine, and sulfur;
cobalt and molybdenum;
calcium and sodium.
100 g of the product contains about 142 kcal. At the same time, a separate garlic clove contains only about 6 kcal, since the average weight of the clove is 3-4 g.
Useful properties of garlic
The benefits of eating garlic every day are absolute. If you do not exceed small dosages, the product will be able to:
equalize blood pressure in hypertension;
serve as a high-quality prevention of atherosclerosis;
lowering the concentration of glucose in the blood;
bring relief for gastritis with reduced production of gastric juice and colitis;
strengthen and make more elastic;
rid the body of helminths;
reduce the temperature and serve as a good diuretic.
The product is used to prevent the development of scurvy and to eliminate flatulence and diarrhea. It is useful for the heart and liver, brings a good effect as a tonic.
How much garlic can you eat per day
The medicinal properties of garlic will benefit the body if you carefully monitor the dosage of the product. Even healthy people can eat no more than 2-4 cloves a day.
Exceeding the recommended limit may result in harm. The product can cause a burn of the gastric mucosa, have a negative effect on the nervous system and lead to headaches.
Recipe for garlic tincture to strengthen the immune system
To effectively counteract colds, flu epidemics, it is useful to prepare the composition:
Peel 2-4 cloves, chop through a meat grinder together with a medium-sized lemon. Wash the lemon thoroughly, do not peel it.
Put the mixture in a glass jar, pour 600 ml of cold boiled water.
After three to four days, strain the finished infusion.
Take 50 ml every day before meals for three months.
How to use garlic in cosmetology
The anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties of the product make it a valuable ingredient in homemade face and hair masks. In small quantities, garlic mush is added to masks for acne and blackheads, in means to reduce the fat content of the skin.
The benefits of garlic water are used for hair care-the seasoning stimulates faster hair growth and makes the strands stronger and shinier. Small baths with the addition of the product are recommended for brittle nails, useful properties help to strengthen the nail plates.
External application of the beneficial properties of garlic juice
In the composition of garlic juice-essential oils that help to cleanse the lungs and bronchi of mucus, the release of harmful substances through the pores of the skin.
Crushed mush or garlic juice helps in the treatment of scaly lichen, purulent wounds:
Apply the product to the problem area for a few minutes with a gauze.
Fresh juice reduces warts:
Rub 2-3 times a day.
Initially, treatment may increase the swelling. But soon the pus comes out. Similarly, an alcohol tincture is used.
Garlic juice or mush mixed with pork fat or butter is rubbed into the chest in the treatment of colds.
Chemical composition and caloric content of garlic
In folk medicine and in cooking, the benefits of garlic for the human body are widely known. It is determined by the rich composition of the product, it contains many valuable elements. Namely:
vitamins B1 and PP;
carotene and riboflavin;
vitamin C;
phytoncides and pectins;
essential oil;
enzymes and amino acids;
organic acids;
potassium, phosphorus and copper;
manganese, iodine, and sulfur;
cobalt and molybdenum;
calcium and sodium.
100 g of the product contains about 142 kcal. At the same time, a separate garlic clove contains only about 6 kcal, since the average weight of the clove is 3-4 g.
Useful properties of garlic
The benefits of eating garlic every day are absolute. If you do not exceed small dosages, the product will be able to:
equalize blood pressure in hypertension;
serve as a high-quality prevention of atherosclerosis;
lowering the concentration of glucose in the blood;
bring relief for gastritis with reduced production of gastric juice and colitis;
strengthen and make more elastic;
rid the body of helminths;
reduce the temperature and serve as a good diuretic.
The product is used to prevent the development of scurvy and to eliminate flatulence and diarrhea. It is useful for the heart and liver, brings a good effect as a tonic.
How much garlic can you eat per day
The medicinal properties of garlic will benefit the body if you carefully monitor the dosage of the product. Even healthy people can eat no more than 2-4 cloves a day.
Exceeding the recommended limit may result in harm. The product can cause a burn of the gastric mucosa, have a negative effect on the nervous system and lead to headaches.
Recipe for garlic tincture to strengthen the immune system
To effectively counteract colds, flu epidemics, it is useful to prepare the composition:
Peel 2-4 cloves, chop through a meat grinder together with a medium-sized lemon. Wash the lemon thoroughly, do not peel it.
Put the mixture in a glass jar, pour 600 ml of cold boiled water.
After three to four days, strain the finished infusion.
Take 50 ml every day before meals for three months.
How to use garlic in cosmetology
The anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties of the product make it a valuable ingredient in homemade face and hair masks. In small quantities, garlic mush is added to masks for acne and blackheads, in means to reduce the fat content of the skin.
The benefits of garlic water are used for hair care-the seasoning stimulates faster hair growth and makes the strands stronger and shinier. Small baths with the addition of the product are recommended for brittle nails, useful properties help to strengthen the nail plates.
External application of the beneficial properties of garlic juice
In the composition of garlic juice-essential oils that help to cleanse the lungs and bronchi of mucus, the release of harmful substances through the pores of the skin.
Crushed mush or garlic juice helps in the treatment of scaly lichen, purulent wounds:
Apply the product to the problem area for a few minutes with a gauze.
Fresh juice reduces warts:
Rub 2-3 times a day.
Initially, treatment may increase the swelling. But soon the pus comes out. Similarly, an alcohol tincture is used.
Garlic juice or mush mixed with pork fat or butter is rubbed into the chest in the treatment of colds.