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Un buen remedio casero para ayudar a controlar la presión arterial alta es tomar el jugo de limón con agua de coco o consumir las cápsulas de ajo diariamente porque estos ingredientes poseen propiedades que ayudan a controlar la tensión arterial.Aunque estos remedios caseros son útiles para complementar el tratamiento para la presión arterial alta, sólo deben tomarse con el conocimiento del cardiólogo, ya que no sustituyen los medicamentos recetados por el médico.1. Agua de ajoEl agua de ajo es una excelente forma de regular la presión arterial debido a que estimula la producción de óxido nítrico, que es un...

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Was sind blutdrucksenkende Lebensmittel?Natürliche BlutdrucksenkerMenschen mit Bluthochdruck haben ein deutlich erhöhtes Herzinfarktrisiko. Falsche Ernährung ist eine der häufigsten Ursachen, denn der Blutdruck wird dadurch in die Höhe getrieben. Oft ist eine medikamentöse Therapie erforderlich. Aber auch eine Ernährungsumstellung ist ein richtiger Weg zu normalen Blutdruckwerten (systolisch und diastolisch). Es gibt viele blutdrucksenkende Lebensmittel, die bei einer Therapie unterstützen können, um den Blutdruck dauerhaft auf einem gesunden Niveau zu halten. Zudem wird einigen Nahrungsmitteln nachgesagt, eine positive Wirkung auf Nebenwirkungen von Blutdruck-Medikamenten zu haben. Besprechen Sie dies am besten zusammen mit Ihrem Arzt, um ƒeine optimale Therapie zu erzielen.Vorbeugen ist besser...

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The benefits and harms of garlic cause many different opinions. To understand in which situations the properties of the product will be most useful, you need to carefully study the features. Chemical composition and caloric content of garlic In folk medicine and in cooking, the benefits of garlic for the human body are widely known. It is determined by the rich composition of the product, it contains many valuable elements. Namely: vitamins B1 and PP; carotene and riboflavin; vitamin C; phytoncides and pectins; essential oil; enzymes and amino acids; polysaccharides; organic acids; potassium, phosphorus and copper; manganese, iodine, and sulfur;...

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Celery is a vegetable, all parts of which are edible. The root, stem, and leaves can be eaten raw or cooked. A useful plant that contains a whole set of essential substances for the human body. At the same time, it refers to products with a negative caloric index. These are foods that consume more energy to digest than they contain themselves. Nutrition experts recommend adding a small piece of celery to one of the dishes once a day. This will provide the body with a sufficient amount of important vitamins, strengthen the immune system, and normalize digestion. Celery has...

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Tomatoes are a common product that is great for making salads. It is also used to make pasta, juice, and marinate. There are many different recipes with tomatoes, which are very popular with housewives. This is due to the fact that tomatoes are useful for the body, as they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Which tomatoes are more useful: red or yellow There are many varieties of tomatoes, which differ in taste and color. Many people are interested in which vegetables are more useful – red or yellow. They differ not only in taste, but also in their...

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