Some of the trace elements is eggplant and the benefits this brings! – Akromontika
Some of the trace elements is eggplant and the benefits this brings!

Some of the trace elements is eggplant and the benefits this brings!

Eggplant is a herbaceous plant belonging to the solanaceae family. Its fruits are hard to miss on store shelves: they have a fairly large size, have a characteristic pear-shaped shape and an amazing blue-purple color, which is called eggplant.

Sometimes you can hear arguments about whether eggplant is a vegetable or a fruit. In fact, this blue fruit is a berry, and only in cooking it is usually called a vegetable.

Chemical composition and caloric content
In order to determine what is useful for eggplant, it is necessary first of all to consider what is included in its composition. This purple fruit contains:

vitamins B, PP, C;

Eggplant refers to foods with low calories, because 100 grams of fruit contains about 25 kcal, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein and almost completely no fat.

The beneficial substances contained in fruits naturally help the human body to stay healthy:

potassium makes the walls of blood vessels stronger and normalizes the work of the heart

vitamin C strengthens the immune system and helps to get sick less;

the nervous system becomes more stable;

zinc and manganese restore the body after such serious diseases;

improves the quality of sleep;

reduces the impact of stress on the body;

iron increases hemoglobin levels;

the composition as a whole contributes to faster wound healing and tissue regeneration.

Healthy hair, skin and nails

Due to the high content of water, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats in eggplants, they help to keep the hair strong and healthy, as well as rid the nails of fragility and stratification and give the skin a radiant, tender and well-hydrated appearance.

Healthy sleep

Using baked eggplant together with honey before going to bed will help to get rid of insomnia. In addition, B vitamins will help to relax from mental and physical stress, which will also make sleep healthy.