Useful properties of avocado!
Avocado is the fruit of a tree belonging to the laurel family. This plant grows in places with a characteristic tropical, subtropical climate. These are mainly Africa, North America, Jordan, Mexico, and Israel. In our country, this evergreen plant can not develop in view of the unsuitable climate.
According to botanical indicators, avocado is a single-seeded berry. The shape of the fruit is pear-shaped, elongated (up to 20 cm in length). The mass of a large ripe fruit reaches 300 grams. But of particular value are samples of medium and small sizes-weighing from 100 to 200 grams.
The color of the mature fruit is rich green on the outside. The flesh has a soft green, turning into a yellow shade (closer to the core), color. The bone of the avocado is large, thick-cored, with a dense core. The color is bronze-brown or dark olive.
The flesh is edible. Avocados are eaten and also used as raw materials for the production of cosmetic oil.
Avocado: Health benefits
And now it is worth discussing what is so attractive to the dark green fruit of the laurel tree! After all, first of all, adherents of proper nutrition are attracted by avocado for its health benefits.
Consider the chemical composition and nutritional value of the product.
First of all, this valuable fruit contains an impressive amount of vegetable fats-up to 15 grams. For one hundred grams of the product, the total calorage is up to 204 Kcal. Carbohydrates in avocado up to 9 grams, protein weight is up to 2 grams, water - up to 75 %.
Of particular value is the saturation of this fruit with vegetable fats. Despite its high nutritional value, the fruit is not a heavy food and does not disturb the normal balance of body weight.
This oily fruit contains an impressive amount of vitamins and trace elements:
Vitamin C — 10mg;
Vitamin E-2.65 mg;
Vitamin K — 22 mcg;
Vitamin A — 146 IU;
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - up to 7 %;
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) — 28 %.
One average fruit contains: potassium-10 %; magnesium-7.5 %; zinc-5 %; iron - up to 4.5 %; calcium-1 %.
Monounsaturated fats give a special value to the fruit. This group includes oleic acid (Omega-9). The richness of B vitamins also justifies the benefits of this dark green fruit. Avocado is rich in folic acid, the berry has healthy dietary fiber, sterols and antioxidants.
According to botanical indicators, avocado is a single-seeded berry. The shape of the fruit is pear-shaped, elongated (up to 20 cm in length). The mass of a large ripe fruit reaches 300 grams. But of particular value are samples of medium and small sizes-weighing from 100 to 200 grams.
The color of the mature fruit is rich green on the outside. The flesh has a soft green, turning into a yellow shade (closer to the core), color. The bone of the avocado is large, thick-cored, with a dense core. The color is bronze-brown or dark olive.
The flesh is edible. Avocados are eaten and also used as raw materials for the production of cosmetic oil.
Avocado: Health benefits
And now it is worth discussing what is so attractive to the dark green fruit of the laurel tree! After all, first of all, adherents of proper nutrition are attracted by avocado for its health benefits.
Consider the chemical composition and nutritional value of the product.
First of all, this valuable fruit contains an impressive amount of vegetable fats-up to 15 grams. For one hundred grams of the product, the total calorage is up to 204 Kcal. Carbohydrates in avocado up to 9 grams, protein weight is up to 2 grams, water - up to 75 %.
Of particular value is the saturation of this fruit with vegetable fats. Despite its high nutritional value, the fruit is not a heavy food and does not disturb the normal balance of body weight.
This oily fruit contains an impressive amount of vitamins and trace elements:
Vitamin C — 10mg;
Vitamin E-2.65 mg;
Vitamin K — 22 mcg;
Vitamin A — 146 IU;
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - up to 7 %;
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) — 28 %.
One average fruit contains: potassium-10 %; magnesium-7.5 %; zinc-5 %; iron - up to 4.5 %; calcium-1 %.
Monounsaturated fats give a special value to the fruit. This group includes oleic acid (Omega-9). The richness of B vitamins also justifies the benefits of this dark green fruit. Avocado is rich in folic acid, the berry has healthy dietary fiber, sterols and antioxidants.