Useful properties of celery, leaves! – Akromontika
Useful properties of celery, leaves!

Useful properties of celery, leaves!

Celery is a vegetable, all parts of which are edible. The root, stem, and leaves can be eaten raw or cooked. A useful plant that contains a whole set of essential substances for the human body. At the same time, it refers to products with a negative caloric index. These are foods that consume more energy to digest than they contain themselves.

Nutrition experts recommend adding a small piece of celery to one of the dishes once a day. This will provide the body with a sufficient amount of important vitamins, strengthen the immune system, and normalize digestion.

Celery has a strong diuretic effect, increases metabolism, promotes rapid digestion of fatty foods, eliminates fluid congestion, due to which it is effective for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It has long been used in folk medicine as a remedy for colds and infections, as well as as a medicine to help relieve menstrual pain.

Celery is recommended for men to improve potency and fight diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, the pomace from this vegetable is used to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands in adolescents. As a cosmetic product, celery oils and juice are used to remove warts, eliminate age spots, and treat acne.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Celery contains vitamins A, E, C, K, as well as zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium, potassium and other useful substances.

Nutritional and energy value

100 g of celery contains 13 calories. Eating a hundred-gram serving of raw celery, a person gets:

* 94 g of water;

* 1.8 g of fiber;

· 2.1 g of carbohydrates;

* 0.1 g of fat;

* 0.9 g of protein.


The juice nourishes and cleanses the body, produces a tonic effect. Drinks made from celery juice and other useful components can replace desserts, satisfy the need for sweets. Juice is a strong diuretic. It removes excess fluid and salts from the body.


The leaves contain a high concentration of vitamin C. They should be used to stimulate the metabolism, maintain tone, maintain the balance of nutrition during diets. It stimulates intestinal peristalsis, removes slags, and normalizes kidney function.


The root is the most useful part of celery. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, accelerates metabolism, restores water balance, and provides the body with vitamins.

Consumption rate

The maximum daily allowance is 200 g. It is enough to eat 150 g of the vegetable in any form, regardless of what part of it is used. Juice can be drunk 100-200 g per day. Or divide this portion into several cocktails, including extracts from other plants. The stems, leaves and roots are used to make mashed potatoes or combine with other products, making all kinds of soups, salads, stews.

How to Choose and Store Celery Fresh celery looks fresh! Although sellers are cunning at tricks and try to resuscitate shrinking vegetables in all ways, there are clear characteristics of freshness: The leaves have a rich green color, shine and elasticity. When crumpling with your fingers, you can feel the juice and feel the characteristic smell. The petioles look full, they are brittle, crunch when broken or cut with a knife. Look for bright green hard petioles (yellowish, brown, flaccid-this is not a fresh product). Do not buy celery with an arrow with seeds, it is an overgrown vegetable, it will be tough and bitter in taste. The root should be firm, heavy, full-bodied, have a uniform color and texture, without dried areas and nodularity. When pressing from different sides on the root, the finger should not fall inside. The greens and petioles are washed in running water, dried and wrapped in a paper towel or foil. In this form, vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days. To refresh the flaccid celery stalks-cut the end of the petiole half a centimeter, and put it in a glass of ice water, then put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Salting greens is another method of harvesting, when crushed celery greens (0.5 kg) are mixed with 100 g of salt, placed in clean jars with lids and stored in the refrigerator. Celery root is perfectly stored in the cellar, like all root vegetables. If there are no such conditions, the unpeeled, but washed from the earth, sand and dried root can be wrapped in parchment and stored in the refrigerator for several weeks. Vegetables can be frozen in a quick low-temperature way and used for six months, as well as dried in a dryer.