Useful properties which carries the corn! – Akromontika
Useful properties which carries the corn!

Useful properties which carries the corn!

Corn is a tall herbaceous plant that is actively cultivated to produce delicious cobs. It ranks third in popularity after wheat and rice. She is popularly known as the"queen of the fields".

This cereal is widely distributed not only because of its excellent taste. Many people have appreciated the benefits that regular consumption of corn brings to the body.

Among grain products, corn is the third most valuable after rice and wheat. The benefits and harms of corn have been known since ancient times, and maize was considered a sacred plant by the ancient Incas. Scientists believe that it was corn that was the first food product that people began to cultivate.

Chemical composition of corn

Corn is a valuable food product. It is nutritious, unpretentious in cultivation, but most importantly-it contains a lot of useful substances both in seeds and in stigmas, inflorescences and leaves. It has a lot of calcium, B vitamins, and fiber content, it surpasses all other cereals. The following useful substances are present in the composition of raw grains:

amino acids;




vitamins (A, C, K, B1, B6, B2, B3, B4, B9, E, PP, H);

minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, sodium, selenium, fluorine, phosphorus, boron, zinc, and others).

Due to the content of nickel and copper salts in corn, it is considered hypoallergenic products.

Nutritional value and caloric content of corn

The caloric content of cooked and raw corn depends on the variety. The average number of calories per 100 g of raw grain is 330 kcal. Of these, carbohydrates are 67%, fat is 5%, and protein is 10%. The rest is water. The most starch is in siliceous corn, and fat, protein and minerals – in sugar. Boiled cobs have 122 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties of corn

The rich composition of corn seeds makes it a popular food product. This is one of the few plant - based foods that is both useful for weight loss and for building muscle mass.

High content of calcium, dietary fiber, minerals cause the following useful properties of corn:

regulates the nervous system;

it has an antioxidant effect on the cells;

prevents fermentation in the intestine;

cleanses the blood;

fights depression, stress, and fatigue.

What is useful for corn for proper nutrition

Corn is useful not only for problems in the body. For its rich and balanced composition, it is appreciated by people who carefully monitor their diet. In the vegetarian menu, it can replace meat, because it contains a large amount of protein.

The maximum benefit and the minimum harm is brought by the use of raw corn. It retains the largest number of components, and young cobs are easier to digest by the body.

But most people prefer to use boiled corn for cooking various dishes.

What is the benefit of a diet that includes corn:

normalization of digestion, cleansing of the intestines and elimination of constipation;

improve memory, concentration, and mood;

boost your metabolism and naturally lose weight;

strengthening the immune system.

People who are actively engaged in sports should also pay attention to this product. Corn starch is involved in the formation of muscle fiber, and vitamins help to restore strength after physical exertion.

Corn flour is widely used in cooking. It gives the baking a special airiness. Adherents of proper nutrition appreciate its composition, which is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

It replaces the usual flour, which does not have so many positive qualities.