What useful properties for the body is mustard!
Mustard is a medicinal spice. The chemical composition of the plant is quite rich, it contains erucic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, lignoceric, myristic and begenic acids. The seeds contain from 35 to 47% fatty oil, which has a good taste.
After squeezing the oil remains cake, it is used for the production of powder (dry mustard). Beautiful lyre-shaped mustard leaves contain dry substances, crude protein, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), provitamin A (carotene), vitamin P, vitamins B1, B2. Mustard is also useful for calcium and iron salts. The active ingredient in mustard seeds is glycoside sinigrin.
There are many types of ready seasoning:
Dijon-made from black beans. The modern seasoning combines black and brown seeds.
Donskaya-it is filled with brine.
French-for it, white and Sarepta species (whole grains) are mixed, flavored with sugar, tarragon, vinegar and grape must.
Bavarian-is a mass of roughly crushed grains of white mustard, pepper, caramel syrup, juniper and ginger.
English – a combination of hot and soft powder, roughly chopped seeds, cider or apple juice.
American-it is kneaded from white grains, turmeric, vinegar and sugar.
Chinese-mustard powder, diluted with ordinary water.
Fruit Italian-mustard powder, flavored with wine, spices, pieces of fruit.
Creole – pickled blue grains with horseradish.
German-sweet and sour sauce made of black beans and vinegar.
These are the most popular varieties in the world market. There are other recipes with original additives.
Composition and caloric content
Ordinary Russian mustard has a high energy value: 180 kcal per 100 g of the product. Fat, carbohydrates in it – 11 g, protein-almost 9 g. It contains the following chemicals:
- sodium;
- phosphorus;
- iron;
- copper;
- zinc;
- magnesium;
- vitamins B, PP, A, C;
- beta-carotene.
Mustard can have warming, toning, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and expectorant effects on the body.
After squeezing the oil remains cake, it is used for the production of powder (dry mustard). Beautiful lyre-shaped mustard leaves contain dry substances, crude protein, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), provitamin A (carotene), vitamin P, vitamins B1, B2. Mustard is also useful for calcium and iron salts. The active ingredient in mustard seeds is glycoside sinigrin.
There are many types of ready seasoning:
Dijon-made from black beans. The modern seasoning combines black and brown seeds.
Donskaya-it is filled with brine.
French-for it, white and Sarepta species (whole grains) are mixed, flavored with sugar, tarragon, vinegar and grape must.
Bavarian-is a mass of roughly crushed grains of white mustard, pepper, caramel syrup, juniper and ginger.
English – a combination of hot and soft powder, roughly chopped seeds, cider or apple juice.
American-it is kneaded from white grains, turmeric, vinegar and sugar.
Chinese-mustard powder, diluted with ordinary water.
Fruit Italian-mustard powder, flavored with wine, spices, pieces of fruit.
Creole – pickled blue grains with horseradish.
German-sweet and sour sauce made of black beans and vinegar.
These are the most popular varieties in the world market. There are other recipes with original additives.
Composition and caloric content
Ordinary Russian mustard has a high energy value: 180 kcal per 100 g of the product. Fat, carbohydrates in it – 11 g, protein-almost 9 g. It contains the following chemicals:
- sodium;
- phosphorus;
- iron;
- copper;
- zinc;
- magnesium;
- vitamins B, PP, A, C;
- beta-carotene.
Mustard can have warming, toning, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and expectorant effects on the body.