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Bis vor kurzem war das wichtigste Sanitärgerät des Badezimmers die Badewanne selbst. Jetzt ist die Situation ganz anders - der Führer ist die Seele. Es hat viele Stärken – die Wirtschaftlichkeit, die Geschwindigkeit der Aufnahme und die Hygiene der Wasserprozeduren. Wie man Duschgarnituren wählt, welche Arten von Mechanismen existieren und wie sie sich unterscheiden, betrachten wir in dem Artikel. 1. Duschkopf-Funktionen Zweck der Dusche Headset-Fütterung, Verteilung von Wasser, bieten Komfort während der Wasserprozeduren.Duschset oder Garnituren besteht aus einer Reihe von Komponenten. Die wichtigsten sind Schlauch, Duschkopf, Halterung oder Stange. Das Set enthält oft einen Mixer, sowie Zubehör wie Regale, Seifenschalen,...

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Blood Pressure Solution: How to lower your Blood Pressure without medication using Natural Remedies DISCOVER: How to lower your BLOOD PRESSURE without medication using NATURAL REMEDIES Worried about your ever increasing Blood Pressure? Looking for ways to lower and maintain your blood pressure? Fed up of depending on medications to improve your health? Stressed out about contracting cardio vascular diseases or diabetes because of hypertension? Not sure how to reduce your stress levels and body weight in order to lower your blood pressure? Combining various natural remedies is the solution. Benefits of Using Natural Solutions like Herbal Remedies Medications are...

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Hypertension, GB (arterial hypertension) --- a disease whose main feature is persistent high arterial blood pressure, from 140/90 mm Hg and higher, the so-called hypertension.Hypertension is one of the most common diseases. It usually develops after 40 years. Often, however, the onset of the disease is observed at a young age, starting from 20-25 years. Hypertension is more common in women, and several years before the end of menstruation. But in men, the disease has a more severe course; in particular, they have a greater tendency to develop atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels of the heart-angina and myocardial infarction. With significant...

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Nutritional value, composition and caloric content of bananasOne average fruit contains about 105 calories, most of which comes from carbohydrates.100 grams of bananas contain (in % of the recommended daily intake):Calories: 89 kcal (4%).Carbohydrates: 22.8 g (8%).Fiber: 2.6 g (10%).Fat: 0.3 g (1%).Protein: 1.1 g (2%).Vitamin C: 8.7 mg (15%).Vitamin B6: 0.4 mg (18%).Folic acid: 20 mcg (5%).Potassium: 358 mg (10%).Manganese: 0.3 mg (13%).Omega-3 fatty acids: 27 mg.Omega-6 fatty acids: 46 mg.CarbohydratesBananas are a rich source of carbohydrates. Unripe bananas mainly contain starch, and ripe ones contain sugar. The carbohydrate composition of bananas changes dramatically during ripening.The main component of...

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Eggplant is a herbaceous plant belonging to the solanaceae family. Its fruits are hard to miss on store shelves: they have a fairly large size, have a characteristic pear-shaped shape and an amazing blue-purple color, which is called eggplant.Sometimes you can hear arguments about whether eggplant is a vegetable or a fruit. In fact, this blue fruit is a berry, and only in cooking it is usually called a vegetable.Chemical composition and caloric contentIn order to determine what is useful for eggplant, it is necessary first of all to consider what is included in its composition. This purple fruit contains:vitamins...

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